Generally, most individuals have some type of insurance coverage, whether it is health, life, auto or homeowners. Although it is somewhat realistic to believe that your insurance coverage is there to protect you against costs associated with accidents or unforeseen events, insurance companies often deny coverage to their policyholders in bad faith.If you have been denied insurance coverage or benefits from a claim that you have rightfully filed with an insurance company, contact the insurance denial attorneys at K&M. We have successfully helped victims of insurance denial recover from the responsible company or their own insurance company. Getting involved in an accident or unexpected event is bad enough on its own – the last thing you need is to deal with a dishonest insurance company that denies your claim in bad faith. We will aggressively fight to ensure that your rights are protected and the insurance company is found liable and lives up to its word. Bad faith claims include:
Denial of legitimate claims provided for in the coverage.
Failure to pay the full amount of a claim.
Failure to pay coverage limits
Failure to investigate a claim promptly
Failure to evaluate a claim in an expeditious manner
Failure to make a full and prompt payment
Contact our K&M insurance coverage denial attorneys for a free initial consultation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week if you, a friend or loved one is facing a bad faith denial of insurance coverage. We will provide you with a detailed evaluation of your case in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex area, including Plano, Allen, McKinney, Fort Worth, Frisco, Garland, Arlington, and Grand Prairie.